Source: 2/28/23
A bill to help prevent the covert releasing of Sexually Violent Predators (SVPs) into communities across the state was formally introduced into the Senate on Monday.
Senate Bill 832, authored by Senator Brian Jones (R-San Diego) would aim to make the highest criteria of any potential placement of an SVP be that of public safety. The bill, also known as the Sexually Violent Predator Accountability, Fairness, and Enforcement Act (SAFE Act), would also require the Department of State Hospitals (DSH) to take ownership in the placement process by approving any placements before the vendor can sign any leases for placement locations and would mandate that the Director of DSH is to publicly report annually how many SVPs are in each county, and in which supervisorial district.
It’s all about the money in the end, it’s a real shame that the [PFR] gets caught in the middle of it😡
Hi, if I’m not mistaken. The constitution says: Fair and Justice for All. Why is it only Sex Offenders that must register especially when all recidivism studies, including All the studies our government (Doj) authorized and approved, we’re all below 5%. All of the studies conducted by non-government citizens or company and/or group shows below 5%. Go on the Doj’s website and you’ll find studies conducted and authorized by the US Gov. and they are all below 5%, that was in 1994 before the sex offender registry, which the US Government passed Megan’s law one later anyways, ignoring there own studies. One other thing that most people don’t know is: Megan’s law, they lied to the us citizens. When that happened to Megan. They had two police officers talk to everyone on the block(approx. 32 people). Megan’s mother and several people say that out of 32 people only 2 knew there was sex offenders living on the block. Well the report that the officer originally gave was out of 32 people 30 people knew sex offenders lived on the block and 2 didn’t know. First, people lied on purpose to push sex registry through. Plus 30 out of 32 knew sex offenders lived there and they or the law couldn’t stop those crimes from happening.
Ps: when lawmakers lie to insure that a law goes through, they know that 95% chance they will not pass unless they make them out worse than it actually was otherwise why would they lie and noone confronts laws when they know lawmakers lied about studies, actual facts. Fair and equal justice for all means if 1 registry exist for 1 crime then Every person who commits a crime (any) they All must register, equal justice means if a citizen or a law enforcement officer, attorneys, lawmakers, or Judges commits a crime Everyone must go to court, anyone who’s innocent with no evidence, no criminal past, it shouldn’t be about climbing the corporate ladder, especially when all involved with the arrest through court proceedings know the person is innocent but lie just for a conviction for promotion and salary raise. They all should be fined and jailed or prison, if they get convicted for Felony then lawmakers,judges and law enforcement must lose there jobs and can’t regain there job. Do you know the meaning of “Integrity”? Means they’ll do what’s right even when nobody is looking.